Walchem deals with a number of chemicals, from their production to trading, with the local and foreign industries. By way of employment of modern management means and advanced technology quality of the products is ensured for satisfying our valued consumers/clients in the national and international markets. The industrial unit set up in the Industrial Estate at Sunder Walchem has been able to produce the international standard quality of products, namely, Ethyl Acetate, Butyl Acetate, Normal Propyl Acetate and Methyl Acetate which have been attributed by our valued consumers/clients as a rare accomplishment achieved by only a few Organizations in the world. A lot of effort and energy has been put in to reach that level of accomplishment, which regularly monitored by our research and development section, not only for the maintenance of standards but also for further improvement of quality.

Paints & Coatings industry

Chemical Reagent Industry

Food Industry

Cleaning and Treatment Industry

Pharmaceuticals Industry

Gravure & Flexible Printing and Packaging

Ink Manufacturing Industry

Cosmetics Industry