“To be recognised and respected by our employees, customers and suppliers as a reliable manufacturer and supplier of defect free and least cost chemical products”

To this end, our policy is as follows:

  • Product quality in each market sector will be consistent with the customer’s requirements.
  • To meet all relevant regulatory and legislative requirements that apply to our production facility.
  • To provide safety and usage information as may be relevant to consumers.
  • To provide training required to all employees and promote personal development.
  • To achieve a high level of occupational health and safety performance through the training in safe working practices and compliance to legal safety requirements.
  • To provide the necessary communication tools for employees to voice their concerns with respect to working environment and health and safety issues and take necessary corrective actions to remedy these concerns
  • To monitor closely all emissions and minimise these emissions as far as possible.
  • To provide the right environment for continually improving our system.

Then, set quality objectives to monitor key processes (purchasing, production, Sales operation, stores
operation, training)